Monday, April 2, 2012

My 2012 Goals

I thought if I wrote out my plans for 2012 maybe I would have a better success rate.  There are a lot of things I did change about myself and make better but there are some BIG things I still need to accomplish.  I hope by writing it down on my blog that hopefully someone will hold me accountable!

  1. Downsize
  2. Clean the house & keep it that way
  3. Catch up on ALL laundry
  4. Paint the inside of the house
  5. Redo our bathroom floor
  6. Make dinner every night
  7. Ger rid of all the paper & old mail in the house
  8. Keep car clean and organized
  9. Wash our carpets
  1. Keep taking my medications regularly
  2. Drink more water
  1. Spend more family time together
  2. Get the girls Baptised
  3. Get organized
There you go a list of my goals so now I have no excuse for them not being done cause I cant use "I lost the paper I wrote them on" ha ha.

God Bless 

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